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About the Director

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Director Janna Santangelo graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education from California Lutheran University. She earned a California Teaching Credential in music and continues to take courses toward a

Master’s Degree in Education.

About the Pianist

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Collaborative Pianist Kevin Su Fukagawa is a composer and teacher in his own right, and has been with the TOHS choral program for several years. His talent and charm have made him a much loved and valued mentor to our students

Awards & Recognitions

Superior Rating - Southern California Vocal Association (2012-2020, 2022)


"A" Grade - Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Central Coast Spring Choral Festival (2018, 2022)


Manhattan Concert Productions Honor Choir Performance: Lux Aeterna

 John Rutter's Requiem at Grace Cathedral (2019)


Disney Performing Arts (2013, 2014, 2015, 2019)


Gold Rating - World Strides Heritage Festivals (2013, 2017)






Choir at TOHS has given me the opportunity to create long-lasting friendships, grow as a singer, and have experiences that I will always remember. The dynamic of a choir family is very important to this group and makes an extremely welcoming environment. Since the start of my freshman year, almost all the friends I’ve created have had connections to the choir, and I’m extremely grateful for that.

Sydney Uliasz, ‘22

In the past four years, choir has been such an amazing experience for me. I have learned and grown so much not just as a performer but as an individual as well. The opportunities to perform with some of the closest people in my life are some of the most memorable moments I can take away from my high school experience. Not only has this class allowed me to de-stress from my academics, but it has also helped me come out of my shell. I will never forget the memories I made and the challenges we pursued together in music as a family. 

Gabby Htway, ‘21

“Whether it’s a performance or just practice, choir really is the one class where we can all forget our lives at the door and sing together. Of course I’ve made so many friends in the class and on choir trips, but it’s these connections I’ve made that stretch beyond the classroom that I think will really stick with me after I graduate.”

Oliver Htway, ‘21

I joined choir my freshman year because it was something familiar in the new world that is high school. I had done choir all throughout middle school, so taking choir in high school was a sort of given. All of my friends were also joining choir so I thought, “Why not join and make some more friends?” Now, as a senior graduating from high school, I realize just how much I gained from joining choir my freshman year. Because I joined choir, I made friends that would last a lifetime and had incredible experiences, such as winning competitions with my fellow classmates and performing in San Francisco. Choir allowed me to grow as a person and to learn how to communicate with others and work better as a team. Being in the Thousand Oaks High School choir program has prepared me for my future endeavors and has given me the experience of a lifetime.

Alissa Gomez, ‘21

There are many things to love about the TOHS Choir program, but my favorite aspect of it is the sheer number of opportunities it offers. Throughout my four years in high school choir, I have been given the chance to perform in a large group, small group, solo, and with an honor choir. However, the TOHS choir program provides opportunities besides singing. I was able to choreograph a section of a piece the choir would be performing and taught it to the other choir members. During the two choir trips I’ve been on, I was able to tour two colleges that I am considering. The choir program also has officer positions that provide leadership opportunities to students who are interested. I recommend joining the program because you have so many different opportunities to try, and you never know what will show you a new interest.

Kyle Lobenhofer, ‘21

Thousand Oaks High School Choir not only provides a safe learning environment for students, but also a place for encouraging growth. The supportive atmosphere I’ve been surrounded by throughout my years in choir have given me the confidence to go on stage, and go through life without a faint heart.

Erika Datu, ‘23

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